Falling Apart

In early 2021 I was part of a design course called “Business Tools for Designers”. Over the course of this course, we organised teams and used said business tools to create a game.

We started by pitching ideas. Mine was a game in which you where trapped onboard a spaceship/space station which was falling apart. One player would be in VR and would be tasked with removing parts of systems and replacing them with backups and repairing them. Eventually needing to cannibalize the other systems that keep various parts of your ship running. A second player would have the mission control screen, which would show them the status of the various systems, and where a fault was detected. They would also have a physical “Mission Control Manual” which would have information on the layout of each system and the ship itself, as well as other information needed to keep player 1 alive.

I was joined by 4 others to create the final prototype. The members of our team where:

  • Melody (Technical Lead)
  • Chandra (Creative Lead)
  • Cynthia (Artist)
  • Douglas (Layout Designer)
  • Mateo (Systems Designer)

This is a Demo Video I made for the final submission of the project, which shows off where we got the prototype to.

If you would like to have some more information on the process of the project, check out our blog at https://spacetoothpastedev.blogspot.com/.